#3 Bad Skin or Bad Skin Care Routine ?

This blog post will get rid of your acne....

Okay, well maybe BUT chances are... i can help you tehehe

So I have personally struggled with my own skin and I UNDERSTAND THE FRUSTRATION. I have been to the dermatologist and they prescribed me pills and this other medicine I do not remember but I did not see results. I washed my face ... so like why was I breaking out? Was it because I was a teenager? Or stress? I could not figure it out. TILL, I went to beauty school for aesthetics or esthetics whatever lol. The night teacher for the school was SO helpful. She had her own practice and just was a great teacher. One night she allowed us to ask some questions regarding skin and I asked her what might be the reason for my break outs. She then continued to ask me about my skin care routine. I said I washed my face with this cream cleanser and that was it. Because I thought simpler was better right? That's when she told me " WHat about your TONERR??". and thats when I went ... " ... idk".  She went on to tell me the importance of toner and what it does for the skin.

The skin has a Ph level that needs to be balanced out with... a TONER. When your Ph levels are imbalanced thats what causes break outs. For example, when you just washed your face it can leave it dry causing your skin to over produce oil in order for the skin to receive moisture. But the oil can get clogged in your pores causing breakouts. Walahhh BUT IF YOU SPRAY ON A TONER THEN PUT MOISTURIZER AND SUNSCREEN... Girl. Watch your skin transform. 

But I do not want you to think this alone can get you clear skin. You need to understand your skin. From your knowledge identify what skin type you have: Oily, dry, combo etc. Thats what will let you know what products to use! 


Oily:  GEL products are your friend and so are CLAY face mask  

Dry: Cream Products, and stay away from CLAY face mask 

Combo: You can choose either but make sure you're not over drying your face either!

SO here is a basic skin care routine: 

1) Wash your face with your cleanser every morning & night. (Use a brush! they're actually not a gag the businesses use for more money they really do work) (Also, use an exfoliate once a week ;0 )

2) PAT dry your face but leave some moisture on your skin

3) Spray/ Pat on your toner. ( I changed the lid of my toner to a spray top to save product.)

4) Put on your moisturizer. ( Put on all your serums at night)

5) PUT ON YOUR DANG SPF PLEASE thats what gives you that glass effect ;0000

As you learn more about skin care you will learn about other products. But these are the basics! Try this and you will so noticed your skin change. 

I THINK THIS IS IMPORTANT TO NOTE BUT ALSO DRINK YOUR WATER PLS. This will surely help. My skin has cleared up and I can confidently wear no makeup now. 

OKay ! well i hoped this helped you! Let me know you're results tehehe DM ON INSTAGRAM ;)




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